Dong ZhenSheng
Catholic High School
4-9, 2008
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Friday, November 30, 2007
8:16 PM

Hi, i jus came back from Langkawi yesterday midnight. It was an exciting trip with a lot of sightseeings and i got sun-tanned a lot.

This is the eagle square, the eagle is a symbol of Langkawi.

This is at my first hotel, it is big with four rooms and plus a kitchen.

This is me and my dad riding a solar boat in the middle of a lake found in an island.

This is at a waterfall in Langkawi Geopark.

This is at langkawi bird park which is like 10 times worse than Jurong bird park.

This is at my second hotel which is by the sea.

This is the sea behind it, beautiful isn't it.

We went to take a cable car up to a mountain which is 710m high.

There is also one suspended bridge where we can walk from one peak to another. Something like a tree top walk.

Another waterfall of height 200m with crystal clear water.

A moniter lizard i found on the beach.

Some hermit crab i caught on the beach.

Friday, November 23, 2007
4:20 PM

I'm going holiday to Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia tomorrow. I'll be away from 24/11 to 29/11. I'm hope the trip will be fun. I might buy some things for u guys there too. So if u wan me to buy something for u, plz let me know. See u guys and u know i always remember u in my heart.

Band camp is Over ♥
Thursday, November 22, 2007
6:15 PM

Today is the last day of the band camp, and everyone is very excited. Throughout this camp, i personally learnt a lot of new things and i got to bond and know my juniors better. This camp also allowed me to know who have the potential to lead and get to observe how the sec1s and 2s can work together to solve a problem. For my group is quite good, it consists of jie xiang, hanley, tzung ern, norman, andrew and jun yao. They are all very energetic for all the activities and they are able to encourage and motivate each other well, which i was very happy about it. The leader of my group is jie xiang and i felt that he did quite a good job in coordinating the group and engaging the group in conversations. The activities that happened each day was quite exciting.

Day 1:
we all reported at 8am, and we were told to sit in our own groups, I'm quite happy with my group as it comprises of most the people i like in band. After that we got band practice from 9-6pm . I left at around 11.30am to go hawkerway to collect the chicken rice i ordered for the band so i called 2 of my favourite sec2s jun yao and jie xiang to follow me. At night we watched a movie called Les Choristes which is 'the choir' in French. It is about a school run by a cruel principal and the main actor came to that school as a supervisor. And the students' behavior change due to his methods and the formation of the choir. After the movie we had a night station games and it involved us a lot and allowed us to be more bonded with each other. The 1st night is the most memorable one. As if u dunno, i like jie xiang a lot so i slept beside him, i also touched his upper body a while and he also looked quite turned on(highlight to see, don't if u can't stand sick stuff.

Day 2: We did morning PT from 7-8 and i left half way to collect the breakfast for the band(actually also can escape the tiring PT). After breakfast we had combine again till 6. At night we had Treasure Hunt, due to the fact that i knew all the clues before hand, i helped my group to complete all the tasks very swift and we came in 2nd for the Treasure Hunt.

Day 3: Today morning is the last day to practice for our section competition. Luckily woon ngiap came to day. So me and him could choose some other more challenging pieces to play. After the combine is the long-awaited amazing race. So the sec3s were made as facilitators which they will only tell them the clues to each location and allow them to brainstorm on their own. same for my group, i gave them the clue and when they wanted a hint from me, i'll made them do a forfeit for me. As the time goes by the forfeit become more and more sadistic. At one time i take advantage of jie xiang as the leader and say if u let me pinch ur nipple for 10s i give u 2 hints for free. And he agreed but after i issued out the forfeit, i'm sure he regretted it. My group members were also very resourceful as they started calling their parents to ask where is that particular location when they don't know where is it. So their movement is swift and we got the 1st for the amazing race. At night we had a BBQ and a lot of alumni and sec4s came to join us, we had another band practice after that and we all could respond to Mr. Tan's instructions readily so we had a great time.

Day 4 , 1am: It was right after the sec3 meeting wif Mr. Heng and the teachers, we had decided to give them a night walk so we all dashed noisily to their classes and woke them up for the walk. The walk was ok and Justin, gran and i went off to have a little fun by ourselves.

8am: We had no PT today but we had games. After breakfast the 1st ever section competition in CHSSB is commenced. All the sections did a good job. The flutes had played their pieces very well and they even had a cheer. But the clarinets had a skit and they gained the judges love by having good entertainment skills. So in the end, still the usual 3 sections. 1st is clarinet, 2nd flute and 3rd is percussion But i heard from Mr. tey that our sections marks are very close so we did quite well too.

So after all this is my last band camp liao and i felt this is a very good camp and i hope more of this kind of camps can be arranged by the future batch of leaders.

Sunday, November 18, 2007
6:10 PM

Tomorrow is band camp, it is from 19/11 to 22/11. So i won't be able to blog during this period. Anyway this is gonna to be my last band camp, so I'll make sure tat i had my greatest fun in it. and I'll make sure i get to do all the thing i did not do when i was a sec1 and sec2. Hope everyone who is going to band camp will have a lot of fun. So tat it i 'll only post a new one when i come back from camp. But i traveling again from 24/11 to 29/11 to Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia. So i won't able to update my blog again. Hope u have a happy holiday and remember to do ur holiday homework.

Saturday, November 17, 2007
9:54 PM

Ahh...yesterday i just went to justin's hse for marcus's farewell dinner and kit chong's birthday celebration. Well it was quite nice of the clarinet section lah. Actually i went to justin's hse jus to take my cd back(oh shit i forgot again!), but i met them in J8 and he asked me to fetch his section to his house. So i went to justin's hse first and realised tat he was having a barbecue for his section. And he invited me to eat as well. They also bought the cards and cake for kit chong and marcus. So i help them to subsidise with the welfare fund den i do not nid to pay for their BBQ which cost $10. So i went to bring the section back from their movie later on. Everything was quite nice and i get to play a bit of mahjong and get my hands on wat i wan liao. Anyway is still a great night there.

Just another day ♥
Thursday, November 15, 2007
10:18 PM

Today is band day again and i'm quite surprised tat woon ngiap came and joel also although he got dental appointment. Today we played the Pirates of the Carribean again and which is much better than the first time we played it. For my section, those two ponners, calwin and ronald were as usual did not turn up for band. Somemore refuse to pick the phone and house phone. Well band camp is 3 days away from now, i believe tat most people are going. For those who dun wanna go for the camp becoz u are lazy or u feel sian going for it, i hereby tell u, this is going to be ur last band camp liao or even the last time u are gonna have fun and stay overnight together wif ur best friends. Cos Sec3s, u only hav 6 month remaining to stay wif the band. Treasure this last moments. Go for this band camp jus for the joy together wif ur 3 years firends.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
7:30 PM

Today is another boring day, i was in the middle of my holiday homeworks now. I was doing my whole stack of chemistry homework when daren sin suddenly smsed me to settled the foof for band camp. So i had no choice but to go down to school to settled the food stuff with the school auntie. There are so many kinds of food to settle so i went to the hawkerway one to settled the chicken rice first. It was as if the store owner knew wat i was thinking and gave me $2 per pack of chicken rice which was 80% of the original price. Then i headed to school to ask auntie meng from the snack store for the breakfast, lunch and diiner food. The auntie was quite angry wif daniel as he told ycc to tell me to settle the food but did not tell me the details. so daniel was scolded by the auntie over the phone as he went for his NCO camp. Inthe end all went well and i went home. On the bus i suddenly remembered something e yang discussed wif last week. It was about he try to ask me to pinch il shan's nipples but as a friend, i knew il shan won't be happy, so i came up wif an excuse: I only like to pinch people wif medium softness to very soft flesh in the nipple region. so i did not like to pinch hard ones like il shan's. Anyway, band camp is coming up. I hope most of the band members will be going, cos it is going to be a very enriching camp and be more excited about wat is gonna to happen during band camp and the sadistic night walk. Anyway in case you don't know, i like to watch Mr. Bean videos a lot. So here is one of them.

The Pulau Ubin trip + Luxury in Joel's Home ♥
Monday, November 12, 2007
10:37 PM

Hi, i just came back from the tiring trip yesterday. Due to my tiredness, i decided to write about my reflections today instead. The trip was quite fun, especially for me as i still can cycle as well as before even though i have not being cycling for 3 years. The cycling trip was ok only tat it rained on tat day which caused us to be a little drenched. And jun wei insisted on going to Chek Jawa which turned out to be a total waste of money as it was at high tide and we could not see anything. However we did see a baby cobra on the ground which was quite interesting. Joel's home was quite entertaining too and his brother was even fatter than the last time i saw him and was also more irritating. We watched quite a few ghost movies at joel's house too, and it was quite nice too see us hugging each other when we were too scared. And Woony gave me the privilege to hug him during the movies. Anyway the trip was quite fun and much better served by joel's parents unlike wat happened in Woony's house last time.

A special friend ♥
Thursday, November 8, 2007
10:27 PM

"Portrait of a Friend"

I can't give solutions to all of life's problems, doubts, or fears.
But I can listen to you, and together we will search for answers.

I can't change your past with all it's heartache and pain,
nor the future with its untold stories.
But I can be there now when you need me to care.

I can't keep your feet from stumbling.
I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it and not fall.

Your joys, triumphs, successes, and happiness are not mine;
Yet I can share in your laughter.

Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge;
I can only support you, encourage you,
and help you when you ask.

I can't prevent you from falling away from friendship,from your values, from me.
I can only pray for you, talk to you and wait for you.

I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you,
But I can give you the room to change, room to grow,
room to be yourself.

I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting,
But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces
and put them back in place.

I can't tell you who you are.
I can only love you and be your friend.

I yearn for more ♥
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
6:53 PM

Feelings pulse faster than the beat of my heart.
This desire wants to break free.
It wants to be unleashed.
It stays hidden deep within me, throbbing.
It increases with every look, touch, and feel.
More and more, my body yearns for more of you
The yearning only increases as more of its desires are met.
The desire builds, its quaking becomes more powerful.
Ohh, feelings!
Pour down like a thunderstorm!
Burst like shaken soda!
Erupt like a volcanco!
Crash like a hurricane!
Be released!
My darling baby looks so wanting.
It shows with each one of his glances.
I hear it in each one of his breaths.
I am so wanting. I feel it in each one of pores.
I see it in each one of my dreams.
Ohh, feelings!
Need-it's that sweet release.

A Saturday Outing ♥
6:18 PM

That Joel has been organising outings again, the welfare head 还做得不错. So he demanded that I have to write out the schedule on saturday for everyone to see. So as u all noe tat we are going to Pulau Ubin to cycle on saturday and then we will go Joel's house to swim.

So here is the plan:

8am---gather at tampines mrt
9.30---reach Pulau Ubin
10---Start cycling
1.00---come back to singapore to eat
2pm---go joel house
2.45---reach at joel house
8pm---go joel's room to play/play computer

By following this everything shld go fine, but I just cannot understand why woon ngiap mom also wan to go. In case u dunno, woon ngiap's mom is a very naggy person. I just hope tat she would not ruin our fiun on Saturday.

Hi, about me ♥
Friday, November 2, 2007
10:05 PM

I'm a typical boy who studies in Catholic High. My name is zhensheng but you can jus call me Dong Lao. For those who know me, i'm in the symphony band and i play a trumpet. And i feel that the sec2 of clarinet section of the band are quite nice looking. Lastly, u and me can have a great time if u spend a night with me